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نوع : حار التحديث تحميل
21163 المجاميع تحميل أحدث إصدار

Presenting one app to rule them all. - The original MCC cricket rules - ICC T20I - ICC ODI - ICC Test MCC rules do not give you all the information yo

2.8 MB

Application designed for the calculation of different radioisotopes decay. You can find the following radioisotopes: Co-57, Cu-64, F-18, Ga-67, H-3, I

2.03 MB
NukMed16 3.1

The NuklearMedizin2017 app includes the scientific programme, course schedules and all the information about the Annual Meeting of the German Society

23.41 MB

This guide is designed as a practical tool for the Oncologists, Aimed at Facilitating the decision making on the antiemetic therapy to be administered

6 MB

Hem Onc Dose Calc is an essential tool especially designed by and for Oncologists and Hematologists. Calculates in seconds the dose and date of applic

10.22 MB
Oncobook 1.6

This application is intended exclusively for health care professionals. This first application, by Dr. Stéphane Vignot (Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpê

5.17 MB

Développée par la société Vitalaire, l’application VNI est un outil pratique et ergonomique conçu pour vous faciliter l’exercice de la Ventilation Non

28.05 MB

This Arthritis disease app have complete information of disease. Inflammation of one or more joints, causing pain and stiffness that can worsen with a

2.24 MB

This Meningiomas disease app have complete information of disease. Meningiomas are a diverse set of tumors arising from the meninges, the membranous l

2.34 MB

This Encopresis disease app have complete information of disease. Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. Viral infections are the most common caus

2.08 MB

This Osteoporosis Disease app have complete information of disease. A condition in which bones become weak and brittle. This app have lot of informati

2.13 MB

This Laryngitis disease app have complete information of disease. Laryngitis is an inflammation of your voice box (larynx) from overuse, irritation or

2.15 MB

This Krabbe disease app have complete information of disease. Krabbe disease is a degenerative disorder that affects the nervous system. This app have

1.99 MB

This Pleurisy disease app have complete information of disease. Inflammation of the tissues that line the lungs and chest cavity. Pleurisy also known

2.19 MB

We are a multidisciplinary collaboration of healthcare professionals and organisations in London and referring regions. Our aim is the delivery of equ

21.92 MB

Thoracic Surgery News is the official newspaper for the American Association of Thoracic Surgery. Over 5,000 thoracic surgeons worldwide rely on Thora

7.02 MB
iStemi 2.1

Aplikasi iSTEMI dirancang sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan pelayanan penyakit jantung sindroma koroner akut khususnya STEMI yang dikelola oleh Kelompo

2.52 MB

宏昌&吉安&裕安&永吉中醫診所 診所宗旨 診所團隊位秉持著「用心、關懷、服務」的理念,為鄉親、病友提供專業、優質、多元的中醫診療服務及不定期的舉辦義診及演講活動,把健康知識和愛傳遞下去。主治:內婦兒科、針灸、傷科,筋骨酸痛、轉骨長高、體重管理(控制)…,從體質根本改善,健康身體,歡迎來電預約。

8.31 MB

米蘭時尚牙醫診所 位於江子翠捷運站五號出口附近的黃金三角窗地點的米蘭時尚牙醫診所,甫推開門,即可看見候診區的舒適黑 色沙發座椅,在華麗水晶燈的點綴下,是極具品味的裝潢設計與擺設,還提供各期最新雜誌、小說等娛樂服務 在這優雅寬敞的候診空間裡,令人不禁讚嘆:原來牙科診所也能擁有如此時尚的氛圍!在院長陳執

3.85 MB
myAnkle 2.0

myAnkle is a mobile application that can measure your balance! myAnkle is designed by a physical therapist and a group of engineers to help you measur

9.3 MB